Wednesday, March 18, 2020


My recent Facebook post of an article on the positive effects of open air therapy experienced by Boston hospital during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was deemed in violation of the FB right-think standards. One wonders why. There are only two possible reasons.
  1. They find the photo of the open air hospital in violation.
  2. It was the suggestion I made that a profit driven pharmaceutical industry would be loath to recommend this therapy.
I choose door number two. It seems clear to me that any criticism of the multi-billion dollar "Big Pharma" juggernaut is verboten. We must not criticize our masters.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Further comments on "The Jewish Question"

The essay from La Civiltà Cattolica, Series XIV, Vol. VII, Fascicule 961, 23 October 1890 details what they refer to as "The Jewish Question", in three parts. The cause, the effects and the remedy. After laying out ample evidence of Hebrew malfeasance toward the accommodating populations in the countries wherein they reside in part one, demonstrating the pernicious effect upon said population these predations have wrought in part two, the essay turns to remedies for the situation in part three. Under the subheading "A Just War?" we read:
So, in Germany, Austria and France, there is a school of thought which advances a remedy for liberation from the Jewish plague, that, per se, would be the most radical of all, but that wouldn't conform to the Christian spirit and whose realization would be impossible at present.
So, as early as at least 1890 we find that there is discussion of a remedy that the author of this essay in an Italian Catholic Journal feels would be impossible to realize. And what is this proposed solution to "The Jewish Question"?
After proving with hundreds of facts and documents that, in general, the Hebrews are a plague on Christian society, and a scourge on the Church of Jesus Christ, they demonstrate that the right of making war against them, as public enemies, is manifest. But since it doesn't beseem to resort to bloodshed, they restrict things which should be done to two points: That the Jew return what he has stolen; that he be banished from our territory afterwards. Through confiscation of his property and through exile the great evil done by him to the countries that have given him legal equality is to be recompensed and his pernicious ungratefulness towards their culture is to be punished.
Return what he has stolen and be banished! Where have I heard that before?

Pandemic Bonds, Jews and Other Musings

I was made aware today of the World Bank launch of the first ever pandemic bond. Coincidentally, I happen to be reading La Civiltà Cattolica, Series XIV, Vol. VII, Fascicule 961, 23 October 1890. This essay from the late 19th century is surprising in its forthrightness concerning what was termed at the time "The Jewish Question". This is definitely a must read for modern evangelicals who subscribe to the false notion that America was founded on "Judeo-Christian" values. It provides a disturbing overview of just exactly what the "Judeo" part of those values are. However, that is not thrust of this post. What I found interesting, in light of the current "pandemic" and the announcement referred to above was the following:
Already in 1847, Cerfbeer, the president of the Israelite Central Consistory of France, described the success of his fellow Jews in that country:  
The Jews, in proportion to their number, occupy more posts than Catholics and Protestants combined. Their ruinous influence is at work more than ever in those affairs which most of all burden the nation's patrimony. There is no business in which they do not considerably participate, no public loan which they do not hold, no disastrous crash which they have not engineered and from which they do not profit. But unjustifiably they are lamenting, almost daily. Unjustifiable because they are those who enjoy the best of the favors and gain advantage over the others. 
I find it fascinating that even back then the Jewish banksters were engineering financial panics for their own profit. And they are still at it today.
Later, the convert, P. Ratisbonne, added:
Through their dexterity and ingenuity, as well as through their lust of power, the Jews have step by step occupied every way leading to wealth, dignity and power. Their spirit, so to speak, imbues modern society. They regulate the stock exchange, the press, theater, literature, the great trade channels by land, as well as by sea, and by possessing the capitals as well as through their shrewdness, at present they hold captive, like in a net, all of Christian society.
Is it any wonder that we naive Goy in the U.S. are bankrupting our nation fighting wars that benefit Israel and no one else? Even asking the question is verboten. It colors on an "anit-semite". Perhaps it is time we rejected that term.