Saturday, February 29, 2020

We Hate You

I recently commented in response to a post on Vox Days blog. For sometime now Vox and others have been using the term "Boomer" as a pejorative. As I am philosophically almost completely in agreement with Vox, and many others that use this pejorative, I have begun to experience a bit of cognitive dissonance. After all, I am a Boomer, like it or not. My birth year dictates that I am amongst the demographic cohort referred to as Baby Boomer. Therefore it is forgivable that when I hear a statement such as "Boomer, we hate you because...", and you can insert any of the societally destructive pathologies we current witness on a daily basis, my initial reaction is somewhat defensive.

After all, they are asserting the syllogism:

Boomers are bad
You are a boomer
Therefore, you are bad.

With "bad" referring to a whole litany of attitudes and behaviors that are responsible for the present malignancy that has metastasized throughout the body politic. As I am opposed to virtually all the attitudes and behaviors that have been attributed to me due to my being a part of this demographic cohort I foolishly attempted to falsify the syllogism by pointing out that I in fact do not share or subscribe to any of of these "bads". It would be difficult to overstate the degree of self-righteous contempt that was directed at me in response. As I look back over the contradictory statements uttered by the various actors in our micro-drama I cannot help but feel compassion for these young persons, consumed as they are by an impotent rage. I understand this rage because I have felt it for years as I watched the slow spread of this national cancer.

A sampling of the rhetoric seems in order
You don't need "research" to see that throwing away 3000+ years of wisdom about how to run a society, and replace it with laws and policies based on the utter death-and-horror-factories of the Soviet Union and Communist China police states (which I didn't even know about back then, but YOU sir, and your age cohort, had no such excuse) would be utterly retarded
Sounds a lot like my response to gay marriage, gender bending and all the other madness that has overtaken our culture. Yet we see that it is the young people of today who are Bernie's the socialist's biggest supporters. College commies demonstrate with masked on their faces, de-platforming any who disagree with them.

As I said, I attempted to falsify the syllogism by referring to myself as a counter-example. The response:
In all of your I, I, I, me, me, me talk, not once did you say, "unlike many of my friends" or anything like that. You don't have the slightest desire to be identified as anything other than a Boomer, through and through
I pointed out that to say many of my friends were guilty of the "bad" (i.e. sins they attribute to "Boomers") would be a lie, because they also are not guilty of "bad". I also pointed out that I never identified or didn't identify as a Boomer; because my understanding was "Boomer" referred to when a segment of the population was born. Nothing more. The response:
Stop talking about yourselves...
...says "I" 17 times, "my" 8 times, and "me" 12 times in 10 lines.
So the take away is that denying I am personally not guilty of "bad" is in itself a "bad", because narcissism is a component of "bad", and defending yourself using first person singular is narcissism". Therefore defining oneself as an individual is "bad". Ok, I think I got it.
Because Boomers' group-identify for each other is stronger than their individual identify as Joe Whoever.
Now I am really confused. Defending myself individually against group attribution is "bad", but failing to identify as a individual is "bad". But my interlocutors cleared up this confusion.
Well, if you're gonna be part of that pack, and stick to it, even when all if its crimes are laid out... well then, it really doesn't matter what you did personally, as an individual. Even while saying, "I didn't eat the crops," you're still unable to call yourself anything other than one of the locusts.
All boomers need do to stop being hated is change 
That's all? No problem. How?
Stop talking about yourselves. Stop defending your actions. Stop telling people how you've always pulled your own weight and never asked for a handout. Stop being proud of yourselves.
Start showing humility. Start helping provide for other people's futures. Start referring to your own past with shame and reflection. Start showing regret at your failure to build or maintain.
I get it. Be ashamed of myself because I defended myself against "bad" attributed to me due to my birth year. Be humble. Give to others. Regret my failures. Build. But don't point out that I have endeavored to live my life in precisely this manner. That would be "bad". Did I get it right?
Nobody’s bigoted against anyone because of the year of their birth - that’s just another stupid marxist shutdown tactic
This is just a smattering of invective directed against me for failing to agree with the postulate that all boomers are bad and we alone bear the responsibility for the failure of Conservative Inc. to conserve a single thing.
We'll all pass away soon enough though, and then the shysters making the laws will be GenX, Millenials, GenZ or whatever. But one thing will never change. The shysters making the laws will continue to be shysters. Of that I have no doubt.

Observations on Hitler's War: Part 1, Approach to Absolute Power; Dictator by Consent

This part takes up in the year 1933. Hitler has just became Chancellor of Germany. Field Marshal von Hindenburg is still president. Within two weeks Hitler announces his plan to build the autobahn.

Irving writes on page 49:
One of the most important surveillance weapons in Hitler’s police state was controlled by Hermann Göring, not Himmler. This was the Forschungsamt, or ‘Research Office,’ set up in April 1933 with a monopoly of wiretapping operations.
How ironic that today we pay for the privilege of having a device in our homes that listens to everything we say.

Four days after coming to power Hitler makes a speech to the generals. Several interesting insights can be gleamed from this speech.
Germany must recapture complete freedom of decision
He refers to the restrictions placed on Germany by the Versailles treaty.
Democracy is an Utopia. It is impossible. You won’t find it in either industry or the armed forces, so it’s not likely to be of much use in such a complicated institution as a state. Democracy is the worst of all possible evils 
Can't day I disagree. However, his proposed alternative is dictatorship. I would only agree if the dictator was Jesus himself.

His pitch to the generals is to build up the Wehrmacht secretly in order to provide Germany the power to guarantee its self determination.
Our target is the restoration of German might. That’s what I’m fighting for with every means. To restore our might we’ll need the Wehrmacht, the armed forces. . . 
What I find most interesting is his reasoning concerning the Navy.
Hitler told [Commander in Chief, Admiral] Raeder it would be the tentpole of his future foreign policy to coexist peacefully with Britain, and he proposed to give practical expression to this by trying to sign a Naval Agreement with her. He would like to keep the German navy relatively small, as he wanted to recognise Britain’s right to naval supremacy on account of her status as a world power. He proposed to recommend the balance of forces accordingly. 
Here we find his attitude toward Britain was conciliatory and one of respect. Apparently that attitude subsequently changed drammatically

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Hitler's War

Today I downloaded the PDF version of historian David Irving's biography, Hitler's War. As I go through this tome I hope to obtain some insight into the happenings of WWII, to understand the position and relationship of the Jews in Germany at the time, and to hopefully separate fact from fiction.

So far the introduction has already provided ample food for thought and promises to deliver on my stated objectives. For example, on page xxv of the introduction:

In 1948 [Hitler’s predecessor as chancellor, Dr. Heinrich] Brüning would write to the editors of Life forbidding them to publish an August 1937 letter he had written to Winston Churchill revealing that ‘from October 1928 the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith, and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany.’*
 Irving goes on to state that:
I had approached the Nazi maltreatment of the Jews from the traditional viewpoint prevailing in the 1960s. Supposing Hitler was a capable statesman and a gifted commander, the argument ran, how does one explain his ‘murder of six million Jews’? 
And then:
For a full length war biography of Hitler, I felt that a more analytical approach to the key questions was necessary. Remarkably, I found that Hitler’s own role in the ‘Final Solution’ had never been examined. German historians, otherwise the epitome of painstaking essaying, had developed monumental blind spots when Hitler himself cropped up: bald statements were made without a shadow of evidence in support. British and American historians willingly conformed. Others quoted them. For thirty years our knowledge of Hitler’s part in the atrocity had rested on inter historian incest. 
Well then, this promises to be interesting.  We shall see.

Delusion Bubble

I recently suffered three weeks of insults from various persons on a friends Facebook thread because I stated my conviction that the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by controlled demolition, not office fire, as the official story insists. I challenged the insulter(s) to produce evident that debunked the forensic evidence produce by Architect & Engineers for 911 Truth. Their insistence that it has already been debunked, without providing any evidence of said debunking, and their subsequent gamma behavior inspired me to poetry.

My delusion bubble
Frees me from the trouble
Of having to think on my own

I hold safe positions
On spoon fed renditions
Real facts, I hardly know

Nor do I really care
To see facts, if they are there
I’ve made up my mind long ago

To bravely embrace
The most unlikely case
Presented by the status quo

When challenged, I laugh
And dismiss them as daft
I don’t bother to rebut their claims

I’m gamma, you see
No one’s smarter than me
I’m not duped by their evidence games

They present analysis
My brain has paralysis
But my mouth, it works overtime

Spouting much nonsense
Making silly pretense
Of knowledge; I know, it’s sublime

Their assertions, ignore them
With memes I will bore them
Uninformed, I will dwell in the dark

I’ll laugh as they wince
While I deftly convince
Them, I ‘m rightfully the queen of snark

I eschew competition
I know my position
I sit at the top of the heap

(No pretty girls there
It’s really not fair
That they seem to find me a creep)

Though I may seem bested
By their efforts invested
I most certainly will double down

With emojis I’ll slay them
With giggles, filet them
Show everyone I’m not the clown

I’ll continue to scoff
A verbal Molotov
Cocktail, that’s what’s in store

Though I’ve been assailed
By their facts, they have failed
I am gamma, come hear me roar

Holocaust Revisionism: A Primer

How many of us have taken the time to objectively evaluate holocaust revisionism? Questioning “homicidal gassings” is the primary taboo of civilized society. But as I found when looking into the forensic evidence against the WTC towers collapsing because of fire, so I have discovered by looking at the forensic evidence against “homicidal gassings”, the evidence against it is indeed compelling. I realize that by publicly stating such I run the risk of being dismissed or ostracized as a “conspiracy kook”, or some other pejorative. So be it. I will no longer allow fear to attenuate my pusuit of truth. Just as a fish cannot perceive atmosphere, submerged as they are in water, we cannot perceive truth, so submerged have we become in the ocean of falsehood. See this primer to the main points of holocaust revisionism to familiarize yourself with the basics.
Jesus said you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Free from what, he does not explicitly say. For me, it is freedom from a worldview imposed on me by the father of lies, that I naively accepted as truth, when in reality it merely a wolf in sheeps clothing. Mendacity in drag.
The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed ... it grows into the largest tree, and birds of the air reside in its branches. Who are these birds? (hint: read the parable of the sower)
Challenge fear.