Friday, December 18, 2020

The Great Gaslight

 A Petrarchan Sonnet in iambic pentameter

With a single voice they cry out loud
Stoking the flames of fear, its us they drive
Toward a world, they build, they shape the hive.
The drones, the kings and queens behind the shroud ,
Direct as one, only where they're allowed.
To think alike, dissent cannot survive.
Only observe the facts that they contrive
The Great Gaslight takes place behind a cloud.
Cast off the lie, embrace the truth, and live
Don't quake in fear before their awful plot
But live a life of liberty of thought
Their only power is that which we give
To them, to strain out truth through liars sieve
The Great Gaslight should never be allowed

Friday, November 6, 2020

Stop The Steal

Stop the steal
I hear them squeal
They're stealing the election
Their dead men vote
While they promote
Their blatant insurrection
And right on queue
Ballots anew
Magically materialize
"Oh, that's fake news"
"It's just a ruse"
"Don't believe your own eyes"
"The facts are checked"
"Your story's wrecked"
"I seems you all are wrong"
"The truth has spoke"
"We've all been woke"
"Sorry, you don't belong"
The Orange man brayed 
While we all prayed
He'd usher in salvation

"With mighty tweets"
"He'll crush defeats"
"And heal this broken nation"
But faith misplaced
Must now be faced
A time for reckoning

The truth be told
A birthright sold
To sirens beckoning

When babies died
Few of us cried
'Cause my body, my choice

When genders swapped
Nothing was stopped
'Cause we all deserve a voice

When perversions we
See on TV
Fail to make us blush

When new iPhone
We all must own
Stampedes us; a mad rush
When envy crowns
All those around
With virtue from on high
When every thought
Completely wrought
From slogans that they ply

When love is hate
They'll love us all to death

When black is white
Then might makes right
Up to your dying breath
"I'm Free", we rage
From within our cage
Without bars, nontheless

Believe! We must!
Falsehood. We trust!
Truth we cannot express

While experts fail,
Obscure the trail
Out from predicament

Methinks today
We've lost our way
Our heritage misspent
Prodigal Sons
We've lost, not won
Our efforts, all in vain
We need choose
Which life to lose
And which life we're to gain
The one that's earned
The one that's yearned
Or the one that is bestowed ?
Salvation lay
That final way
Along the narrow road


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election Day Musing

I went down to the polling place
I did not wear a mask
The people, they just looked at me
Nobody dared to ask

“Why aren’t you muzzling up your face”
“Before you cast your vote”?
“We’ve all complied with the experts”
“We’re all in the same boat”

They smiled, or frowned, I could not tell
Veiled as they were
But their eyes seemed to say to me
We appreciate you sir

For at least there’s one who's not afraid
To live as a free man
To cast off lies and subterfuge,
Against tyranny, to stand

I know it not so great a feat
To leave my face exposed
To not comply bears little cost
When I compare myself to those

Who stormed the beach at Normandy
Who froze at Valley Forge
Who died in trenches on French plains
Who stood against King George

Who marched the field at Gettysburg
Who took to wooden ships
Who forsook all they’d ever known
Who for freedom, they equipped

Themselves with courage, strength and faith
And boldly they pursued
That promised life of liberty
With humble rectitude

Now we scream and rant and rail at
The legacy they left
We mask our face and hide ourselves
Of faith, we are bereft

We look to men to point the way
The blind leading the blind
We crown the “expert” bureaucrat
But truth we cannot find

Surrender we, our legacy
For fear is our new god
With muzzled face, and eyes cast down
Compliance, we applaud

Pretending that we’re virtuous
And love our fellow man
We lock him down, set him apart
We still don’t understand

To mask our kids, to teach them fear
Of that which they can’t see
We teach him how to be a slave
Robbed of all dignity

So no, I refuse to comply
With their masks and distancing
With church on Zoom, with Parsons goat
With voices whispering

For liberty I was set free
By Him, the King of Kings
With unveiled face and outstretched hand
I’ll lift my voice and sing

A small act of defiance
What was it you ask?
I went down the polling place
I did not wear a mask

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Cleanliness is next to godliness, even in a pandemic

This PDF is a 1919 report of attempts to prove the 1918 influenza (aka Spanish flu) was contagious. The results may surprise you.

Christian and Conspiracies

There seems to a habit of some in the Christian community to use phrases like “outrageous conspiracy theorist ” when referring to people, such as myself, who have taken the time to explore alternate models to explain the phenomena we are observing, namely that some people are getting sick and dying of something. Granted that there are some who listen to a convincing sounding hypothesis and immediately believe it is true and nefarious. 
My position is that any hypothesis that presents a new model should be considered and subject to experimentation. Interestingly enough, I have yet to talk to anyone who dogmatically adheres to the narrative and eschews alternate theories that has actually done much research on either spectrum. They accept the narrative because everyone “knows” there is a virus. Conversely there is the other type that reject it because some other model satisfies their default persuasions.
For two months now I have been consuming copious amounts of information and what I am concluding is that there are copious amounts of information I have not even touched. However, it is clear to me that this destruction of our society and economy is not an appropriate response given the actual facts. 
Church leaders who use the term “outrageous conspiracy theories” when referring to hypotheses they are thoroughly ignorant of are at best weak minded leaders. If we believe that Satan is the lord of this world, that he prowls around seeking to devour, that he is a liar, the father of lies and the truth is not in him, and then we see the state telling us that we cannot meet with our family and friends, engage in corporate worship, but we can go to the liquor store or a gay bath house, that the only way we’ll be safe is to implement a contact tracking system and vaccinate everyone on the globe, nuanced thinkers should pause for a moment and wonder what is really going on.

Romans 13 Revisited

I have been vocally opposed to the capitulation of churches to the decree of the state that they must “forsake the assembling together“. Romans 13 seems to be the primary driver (excuse) used by church leadership to justify this position.
The unfortunate translation of ἐξουσίαις ὑπερεχούσαις as “governing authority” appears to support the notion of the state as the object under discussion. I reflexively reject that notion, but recognize that doing so demands a reasoned alternate interpretation of the entire passage. While I am convinced the “superior power” is a better interpretation of ἐξουσίαις ὑπερεχούσαις I still have not arrived at a satisfactory understanding of the passage. I have been meditating on this for quite some time, convinced as I am that the state is not the object here.
As I was walking early this morning I was reflecting on how we always seem to start inquiry into things at the “how could that happen” phase. Take for example WTC 7 imploding and the question of controlled demolition. People always start their consideration with “how could someone do that and get away with it?” That is a fair question and one I don’t have an answer for, but it is the wrong place to start. The place to start is with “what actually happened” and to explain the “what” using logic and reasoning and the model which best fits the observed phenomena. Once the “what” has been demonstrated using a best fit model, it is incumbent on those proposing an alternate model to falsify the assertion of the previous model. How does Romans 13 relate to this?
As I have stated, my understanding of this passage is inconclusive, however if I start with the axiom that the bible is the inerrant word of God, than I should be able to use logic to falsify any predicate I may have based on an interpretation of any passage. So take Roman 13:3.
“For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same”.
If rulers, ἄρχοντες, refers to the state here than all one has to do is demonstrate an instance where the state has indeed acted as a terror to good works, which seems to me an extraordinarily easy thing to demonstrate. Once you have done that logic dictates that either
1. The Word of God is not inerrant. Or...
2. The ἄρχοντες and the ἐξουσίαις ὑπερεχούσαις are not referring to the state.
Is my logic flawed?

Friday, April 10, 2020

Easter Questions

With Easter Sunday upon us, the government mandated stay-at-home fatwa in effect has prompted me to juxtapose two New Testament admonitions. I do this with the caveat that I am certainly guilty of not following the first for quite some time now. And of course, I think the second is utter foolishness; at least the parts I have highlighted.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near. Hebrews 10:23-25 
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Romans 13:1-4
Clearly the obsequious submission of the general population to the irrational fear-mongering of the ruling class has in effect of destroyed the livelihood of a great many people. Not the least of these are the myriad of small-business owners who have courageously built their enterprises through hard work and risk taking, only to have them destroyed by the capriciousness of a clueless or nefarious ruling class. It seems that we the sheeple have been so thoroughly programmed to abandon reason at the slightest whiff of risk, that we all but stampeded to our safe-spaces, stopping only to make sure we had ample supplies of double-ply to help us weather the pandemic.

As someone who was weaned on the eschatology espoused most popularly by Hal Lindsey in his “Late Great Planet Earth” I cannot help but notice the eerie similarity to the end times scenario painted therein. However, this worldwide mad rush into totalitarianism is something I did not anticipate and would not have believed could happen. In retrospect though, how else can a New World Order be brought about except by the suspension of critical thinking of the hoi polloi? And what better mechanism to suspend the critical thinking of the masses than to induce widespread fear? And how better to prepare a population for mass control through fear then to feed them a steady diet of pandemic porn in the form of entertainment? It's almost as if we have been programmed or hypnotized and when the special word is spoken, we respond like Pavlovs dog. We bite into an onion and believe it's an apple.

So what should Christians do now? Hunker down, and giddily wait for the rapture? The prospect of being somehow snatched up off the earth before the SHTF strikes me as a dubious proposition at best. Assemble "virtually"? It seems to me like that is following the letter of the first admonition quoted above while missing the spirit of it, but who am I to say? I rarely go to Church anyway; and why should I? To sing songs about putting sloppy wet kisses on Jesus' cheek? I attended services last week for one reason. To resist the soft tyranny that is soon to morph into hard tyranny. To stand with one body of believers that has yet refused to kowtow.

In the early days of the Church believers met in secret, in catacombs whose locations were pointed to by the fish, ἰχθύς, the acronym for ιησου χριστου θεον υιον σωτερο, Jesus Christ Gods Son, Savior. Persecuted to the point of death, they nevertheless chose to defy the ruling class and did not forsake the assembling together, but rather joined each other beneath the ground; seeds being planted for a future harvest. And here we find ourselves two millennia later, the spiritual progeny of martyrs, dismissing Hebrews 10 in favor of Romans 13 because our corrupt rulers have said we must.

We need revival. I need revival.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Costco in the New World Order

Mother nature roared last night, spitting hail and blustering mightily, clearing the three bitches of the last of the dead wood entangled in their expansive limbs. I refer of course to the three large and perpetually messy Silver Maples that grow on my property. They are dirty old gals most of the year, shedding dried limbs and branches all winter, dropping masses of buds early in spring, followed by swarms of helicopters that seek out even the smallest gap or crevice from which they germinate, sprout and clog gutters. But finally they put on their party dress; sprout their leaves and shade us gloriously for the next 6 months, until they are once again able throw off their now tired gowns and settle into winter slumber, leaving me to perform the final gathering in of the brown and wilted remnants.

What does this have to do with Costco? Not much, except to say that the drop in temperature and increase in wind conspired to keep me from taking a bike ride over lunch. Instead I decided to make a Costco run in the hope that I could avert any COVID induced delays.

It was a different Costco.

I recently criticized Costco for moving their carts from one side of the entrance to the other, thereby inducing a virtual demolition derby scenario. You remember the figure 8 track where the racers have to cross in the middle. Well, that's no longer the case. The nursery section has been erected in between the entrance and exit resulting in veritable wall of potted rose bushes, a thorny barrier, separating the empty carts moving in from the full carts moving out. A maze constructed out of stacks of wooden palettes strategically placed provides a queuing area from which we the sheeple patiently observe the proscribed social distancing while waiting for our turn to enter. Homeland Security would be proud. An attendant serves out the carts as we finally make it to the staging area just outside the entrance. And then your moment finally arrives. The input door attendant gives you an almost imperceptible nod that signals...

You can come in now. It's your turn.

It may not have even been a nod, but rather a simple tightening of the face muscles. Nevertheless, recognizing the gesture, I gratefully steered my cart across the threshold while presenting my credential where wide empty lanes greeted me. Mask wearing shoppers warily pushed their carts here and there but gone were the nitwits who inevitably find the narrowest choke point in which park their cart while they venture off in search of some or the other commodity. That was a pleasant surprise although, unfortunately, many of the items that would have normally been stocked in abundance were missing. The effective sovietization of Amerika was especially noticeable in the produce refrigerator; where once stood a cornacupicx island surrounded by walls of fresh produce there was now a wide open expanse of cement, the walls lined by a severely diminished selection. Still, only one or two of the items on my list were unattainable, but I compensated by purchasing several items that weren't planned for. I am grateful for the abundance we still enjoy.

I completed my circuit [one always shops Costco in a circuit] and took by place at the nearest yellow tape line on the floor of the check-out, eschewing the self-check, preferring to let Priscilla do the heavy lifting, safely ensconced as she was behind her plexiglas shield. She is truly one of the heroes of COVID.

All in all not an altogether unpleasant experience. Less items, more room to move. Longer wait to get in, shorter wait to check out. And fortunately, my forward looking wife had already stocked up on the toilet paper.

Costco, as always, has risen to the challenge

Riding my bike

Riding my bike is a great time to let the mind wander where it will go, and today it drifted back to simpler times, when the most important issues of the day were exemplified by hoards a silly women in pink pussy hats and full body vagina costumes storming the capitol in protest of a patriarchy that dares to question inherent sanctity of committing infanticide in utero.
Those were the days, were they not? The great debate was how many genders there really are. A recent search on COVID by gender returned several sites that break it down. Oddly enough it only had two genders, male and female. [Gender was the heading on the sites, not my nomenclature.] Apparently, to the COVID, Roberta with a penis is indistinguishable from Robert. Who would have guessed?
And poor Joe Biden. This social distancing will most certainly circumscribe recreational groping. The sacrifices we make for safety.
I saw a woman jogging down a virtually deserted bike path wearing a face mask. I can certainly understand that. After all the "confirmed" cases in Warren County OH now stand at 45. One never knows where number 46 will strike. We can't be to careful.
There were a couple of high school kids in the park who were definitely violating the social distancing fatwa. Reckless. Hormones most likely.
Lunch is over. Back to work.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday at Solid Rock (1)

I attended church services at the Solid Rock Church in Lebanon this morning. I don't generally attend Sunday service anymore, but this morning I decided to go to Solid Rock out of a show of solidarity with their decision to keep the doors open. I had never been to that church and probably never would have gone, but for said decision. I am not sure what my expectations were but at some level it was what I had pictured and on another level it definitely was not.

I entered what struck me as a stereotypical TV church; with wide seating, balcony and a large stage area. The giant curved LED screen displaying a gorgeous beach scene behind the stage was a nice touch. I felt warmer just watching the waves. The large boom for the video camera gave it the feel of a major production. So far it was kind of what I expected, given the giant figure of Christ towering over I-75 from the Church courtyard. Still, the current icon is somewhat less ostentatious than the previous one, which met with an untimely demise at the hands of the weather.

The congregation was more mixed than I had expected. A large percentage was of African descent and there was definitely a flavor of what one would expect in a black Church; at least if your idea of a predominantly black church was formed primarily through the media.

I took a seat in the balcony, center-stage, careful to maintain the prescribed social-distance between myself and those nearest. That was nice because I generally hate the meet and greet that most contemporary Churches feel is a vital part of the Sunday worship. This way we get to skip it because "the Governor asked us to". Works for me.

The band cranked into the first tune and I thought "Oh, that must be why they call it solid rock". It was loud, but well done metal style worship music, with a variety of signers; a male lead with five or six female backups. The male lead had a pretty good voice, but before I saw him I assumed he was black based in his voice and singing style. Is that racist? When I finally caught sight of him I was surprised to see a middle-age white dude belting it out. While the singers were front and center on the stage, the band wasn't. The electric guitar guy was a rather large middle-age white guy sitting off in a corner on what appeared to be seats for a choir. He did not move from that position the entire service. He displayed that absence of unnecessary movement that you would find in a professional studio musician. The bassist and keyboard were also way off to the side. Only the drummer was center stage, and up on a pedestal making a nice backdrop for the backup singers.

The second tune, about what's in our power or something, was led by another male singer, this time black, who was wearing a long robe. You know, the kind you would expect to see a black man wearing in a black church that was portrayed in a movie. Another really good voice.

A couple more songs followed, each incrementally more mellow the the previous, bringing the congregation into that receptive mood of introspection, when another black gentleman, who I mistook as the pastor, stepped up and invited the congregation to "worship through giving, amen". He was one of those quintessentially stereotypical preacher types that punctuate each phrase they utter with an "amen". At that point I thought "Wow! I am going to hear a sermon by one of those guys". That didn't turn out to be the case though.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Bringing things close to home

According to the City of Cincinnati now has 79 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus. 
From the current population of Cincinnati in 2020 is 1,746,000. So for our “pandemic” we have a “known” infection rate of 79/1746000, which turns out to be a whopping .0000452 or .00452% of the general population. 
Let’s be generous though and say that the infection rate is 2 orders of magnitude greater that the number of “confirmed” cases. That would make it 7900 actual infections and an overall infection rate of .452%. Interestingly enough, the health department site does not list any deaths yet attributed to covid-19.
So, we have shutdown the city, put everyone in lockdown and furloughed the workforce because of the threat that is affecting maybe around .5% of the population. And has not killed anyone.
I appreciate the opportunity to lounge around as much as the next guy, but the cynical side of me says we are being played. I am open to being corrected on my arithmetic and my conclusions.

Friday night COVID musing

I just looked up NYC covid cases on It says there have been 56289 confirmed cases with 1867 deaths. It does not specify if the deaths were with or by to COVID.

I then looked up NYC population at For 2020 it puts the number at 18,804,000. So applying some basic arithmetic, 52289/18,804,000 I arrive at .00278. That’s .278% of the population that’s been infected. Now of the reported infections we can calculate the fatality rate, assuming all fatalities are by COVID. That is1867/56289 = .0332, or a 3.3% fatality rate. 

However, if only the sick/symptomatic are tested then we must assume that many more are infected and asymptomatic. Lets say the infection rate is an order of magnitude greater. Then we have 2.78% infected and a fatality rate of .33%.

I keep seeing headlines of gloom and doom about NYC covid, but the numbers just don’t add up. What am I missing? This is looking more and more like bullshit to me. We are all sitting home like good sheep while our economy tanks and the worst case numbers in the country are trivial. It’s late. I’m tired. What have I missed?

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


My recent Facebook post of an article on the positive effects of open air therapy experienced by Boston hospital during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was deemed in violation of the FB right-think standards. One wonders why. There are only two possible reasons.
  1. They find the photo of the open air hospital in violation.
  2. It was the suggestion I made that a profit driven pharmaceutical industry would be loath to recommend this therapy.
I choose door number two. It seems clear to me that any criticism of the multi-billion dollar "Big Pharma" juggernaut is verboten. We must not criticize our masters.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Further comments on "The Jewish Question"

The essay from La Civiltà Cattolica, Series XIV, Vol. VII, Fascicule 961, 23 October 1890 details what they refer to as "The Jewish Question", in three parts. The cause, the effects and the remedy. After laying out ample evidence of Hebrew malfeasance toward the accommodating populations in the countries wherein they reside in part one, demonstrating the pernicious effect upon said population these predations have wrought in part two, the essay turns to remedies for the situation in part three. Under the subheading "A Just War?" we read:
So, in Germany, Austria and France, there is a school of thought which advances a remedy for liberation from the Jewish plague, that, per se, would be the most radical of all, but that wouldn't conform to the Christian spirit and whose realization would be impossible at present.
So, as early as at least 1890 we find that there is discussion of a remedy that the author of this essay in an Italian Catholic Journal feels would be impossible to realize. And what is this proposed solution to "The Jewish Question"?
After proving with hundreds of facts and documents that, in general, the Hebrews are a plague on Christian society, and a scourge on the Church of Jesus Christ, they demonstrate that the right of making war against them, as public enemies, is manifest. But since it doesn't beseem to resort to bloodshed, they restrict things which should be done to two points: That the Jew return what he has stolen; that he be banished from our territory afterwards. Through confiscation of his property and through exile the great evil done by him to the countries that have given him legal equality is to be recompensed and his pernicious ungratefulness towards their culture is to be punished.
Return what he has stolen and be banished! Where have I heard that before?

Pandemic Bonds, Jews and Other Musings

I was made aware today of the World Bank launch of the first ever pandemic bond. Coincidentally, I happen to be reading La Civiltà Cattolica, Series XIV, Vol. VII, Fascicule 961, 23 October 1890. This essay from the late 19th century is surprising in its forthrightness concerning what was termed at the time "The Jewish Question". This is definitely a must read for modern evangelicals who subscribe to the false notion that America was founded on "Judeo-Christian" values. It provides a disturbing overview of just exactly what the "Judeo" part of those values are. However, that is not thrust of this post. What I found interesting, in light of the current "pandemic" and the announcement referred to above was the following:
Already in 1847, Cerfbeer, the president of the Israelite Central Consistory of France, described the success of his fellow Jews in that country:  
The Jews, in proportion to their number, occupy more posts than Catholics and Protestants combined. Their ruinous influence is at work more than ever in those affairs which most of all burden the nation's patrimony. There is no business in which they do not considerably participate, no public loan which they do not hold, no disastrous crash which they have not engineered and from which they do not profit. But unjustifiably they are lamenting, almost daily. Unjustifiable because they are those who enjoy the best of the favors and gain advantage over the others. 
I find it fascinating that even back then the Jewish banksters were engineering financial panics for their own profit. And they are still at it today.
Later, the convert, P. Ratisbonne, added:
Through their dexterity and ingenuity, as well as through their lust of power, the Jews have step by step occupied every way leading to wealth, dignity and power. Their spirit, so to speak, imbues modern society. They regulate the stock exchange, the press, theater, literature, the great trade channels by land, as well as by sea, and by possessing the capitals as well as through their shrewdness, at present they hold captive, like in a net, all of Christian society.
Is it any wonder that we naive Goy in the U.S. are bankrupting our nation fighting wars that benefit Israel and no one else? Even asking the question is verboten. It colors on an "anit-semite". Perhaps it is time we rejected that term.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

We Hate You

I recently commented in response to a post on Vox Days blog. For sometime now Vox and others have been using the term "Boomer" as a pejorative. As I am philosophically almost completely in agreement with Vox, and many others that use this pejorative, I have begun to experience a bit of cognitive dissonance. After all, I am a Boomer, like it or not. My birth year dictates that I am amongst the demographic cohort referred to as Baby Boomer. Therefore it is forgivable that when I hear a statement such as "Boomer, we hate you because...", and you can insert any of the societally destructive pathologies we current witness on a daily basis, my initial reaction is somewhat defensive.

After all, they are asserting the syllogism:

Boomers are bad
You are a boomer
Therefore, you are bad.

With "bad" referring to a whole litany of attitudes and behaviors that are responsible for the present malignancy that has metastasized throughout the body politic. As I am opposed to virtually all the attitudes and behaviors that have been attributed to me due to my being a part of this demographic cohort I foolishly attempted to falsify the syllogism by pointing out that I in fact do not share or subscribe to any of of these "bads". It would be difficult to overstate the degree of self-righteous contempt that was directed at me in response. As I look back over the contradictory statements uttered by the various actors in our micro-drama I cannot help but feel compassion for these young persons, consumed as they are by an impotent rage. I understand this rage because I have felt it for years as I watched the slow spread of this national cancer.

A sampling of the rhetoric seems in order
You don't need "research" to see that throwing away 3000+ years of wisdom about how to run a society, and replace it with laws and policies based on the utter death-and-horror-factories of the Soviet Union and Communist China police states (which I didn't even know about back then, but YOU sir, and your age cohort, had no such excuse) would be utterly retarded
Sounds a lot like my response to gay marriage, gender bending and all the other madness that has overtaken our culture. Yet we see that it is the young people of today who are Bernie's the socialist's biggest supporters. College commies demonstrate with masked on their faces, de-platforming any who disagree with them.

As I said, I attempted to falsify the syllogism by referring to myself as a counter-example. The response:
In all of your I, I, I, me, me, me talk, not once did you say, "unlike many of my friends" or anything like that. You don't have the slightest desire to be identified as anything other than a Boomer, through and through
I pointed out that to say many of my friends were guilty of the "bad" (i.e. sins they attribute to "Boomers") would be a lie, because they also are not guilty of "bad". I also pointed out that I never identified or didn't identify as a Boomer; because my understanding was "Boomer" referred to when a segment of the population was born. Nothing more. The response:
Stop talking about yourselves...
...says "I" 17 times, "my" 8 times, and "me" 12 times in 10 lines.
So the take away is that denying I am personally not guilty of "bad" is in itself a "bad", because narcissism is a component of "bad", and defending yourself using first person singular is narcissism". Therefore defining oneself as an individual is "bad". Ok, I think I got it.
Because Boomers' group-identify for each other is stronger than their individual identify as Joe Whoever.
Now I am really confused. Defending myself individually against group attribution is "bad", but failing to identify as a individual is "bad". But my interlocutors cleared up this confusion.
Well, if you're gonna be part of that pack, and stick to it, even when all if its crimes are laid out... well then, it really doesn't matter what you did personally, as an individual. Even while saying, "I didn't eat the crops," you're still unable to call yourself anything other than one of the locusts.
All boomers need do to stop being hated is change 
That's all? No problem. How?
Stop talking about yourselves. Stop defending your actions. Stop telling people how you've always pulled your own weight and never asked for a handout. Stop being proud of yourselves.
Start showing humility. Start helping provide for other people's futures. Start referring to your own past with shame and reflection. Start showing regret at your failure to build or maintain.
I get it. Be ashamed of myself because I defended myself against "bad" attributed to me due to my birth year. Be humble. Give to others. Regret my failures. Build. But don't point out that I have endeavored to live my life in precisely this manner. That would be "bad". Did I get it right?
Nobody’s bigoted against anyone because of the year of their birth - that’s just another stupid marxist shutdown tactic
This is just a smattering of invective directed against me for failing to agree with the postulate that all boomers are bad and we alone bear the responsibility for the failure of Conservative Inc. to conserve a single thing.
We'll all pass away soon enough though, and then the shysters making the laws will be GenX, Millenials, GenZ or whatever. But one thing will never change. The shysters making the laws will continue to be shysters. Of that I have no doubt.

Observations on Hitler's War: Part 1, Approach to Absolute Power; Dictator by Consent

This part takes up in the year 1933. Hitler has just became Chancellor of Germany. Field Marshal von Hindenburg is still president. Within two weeks Hitler announces his plan to build the autobahn.

Irving writes on page 49:
One of the most important surveillance weapons in Hitler’s police state was controlled by Hermann Göring, not Himmler. This was the Forschungsamt, or ‘Research Office,’ set up in April 1933 with a monopoly of wiretapping operations.
How ironic that today we pay for the privilege of having a device in our homes that listens to everything we say.

Four days after coming to power Hitler makes a speech to the generals. Several interesting insights can be gleamed from this speech.
Germany must recapture complete freedom of decision
He refers to the restrictions placed on Germany by the Versailles treaty.
Democracy is an Utopia. It is impossible. You won’t find it in either industry or the armed forces, so it’s not likely to be of much use in such a complicated institution as a state. Democracy is the worst of all possible evils 
Can't day I disagree. However, his proposed alternative is dictatorship. I would only agree if the dictator was Jesus himself.

His pitch to the generals is to build up the Wehrmacht secretly in order to provide Germany the power to guarantee its self determination.
Our target is the restoration of German might. That’s what I’m fighting for with every means. To restore our might we’ll need the Wehrmacht, the armed forces. . . 
What I find most interesting is his reasoning concerning the Navy.
Hitler told [Commander in Chief, Admiral] Raeder it would be the tentpole of his future foreign policy to coexist peacefully with Britain, and he proposed to give practical expression to this by trying to sign a Naval Agreement with her. He would like to keep the German navy relatively small, as he wanted to recognise Britain’s right to naval supremacy on account of her status as a world power. He proposed to recommend the balance of forces accordingly. 
Here we find his attitude toward Britain was conciliatory and one of respect. Apparently that attitude subsequently changed drammatically

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Hitler's War

Today I downloaded the PDF version of historian David Irving's biography, Hitler's War. As I go through this tome I hope to obtain some insight into the happenings of WWII, to understand the position and relationship of the Jews in Germany at the time, and to hopefully separate fact from fiction.

So far the introduction has already provided ample food for thought and promises to deliver on my stated objectives. For example, on page xxv of the introduction:

In 1948 [Hitler’s predecessor as chancellor, Dr. Heinrich] Brüning would write to the editors of Life forbidding them to publish an August 1937 letter he had written to Winston Churchill revealing that ‘from October 1928 the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith, and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany.’*
 Irving goes on to state that:
I had approached the Nazi maltreatment of the Jews from the traditional viewpoint prevailing in the 1960s. Supposing Hitler was a capable statesman and a gifted commander, the argument ran, how does one explain his ‘murder of six million Jews’? 
And then:
For a full length war biography of Hitler, I felt that a more analytical approach to the key questions was necessary. Remarkably, I found that Hitler’s own role in the ‘Final Solution’ had never been examined. German historians, otherwise the epitome of painstaking essaying, had developed monumental blind spots when Hitler himself cropped up: bald statements were made without a shadow of evidence in support. British and American historians willingly conformed. Others quoted them. For thirty years our knowledge of Hitler’s part in the atrocity had rested on inter historian incest. 
Well then, this promises to be interesting.  We shall see.

Delusion Bubble

I recently suffered three weeks of insults from various persons on a friends Facebook thread because I stated my conviction that the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by controlled demolition, not office fire, as the official story insists. I challenged the insulter(s) to produce evident that debunked the forensic evidence produce by Architect & Engineers for 911 Truth. Their insistence that it has already been debunked, without providing any evidence of said debunking, and their subsequent gamma behavior inspired me to poetry.

My delusion bubble
Frees me from the trouble
Of having to think on my own

I hold safe positions
On spoon fed renditions
Real facts, I hardly know

Nor do I really care
To see facts, if they are there
I’ve made up my mind long ago

To bravely embrace
The most unlikely case
Presented by the status quo

When challenged, I laugh
And dismiss them as daft
I don’t bother to rebut their claims

I’m gamma, you see
No one’s smarter than me
I’m not duped by their evidence games

They present analysis
My brain has paralysis
But my mouth, it works overtime

Spouting much nonsense
Making silly pretense
Of knowledge; I know, it’s sublime

Their assertions, ignore them
With memes I will bore them
Uninformed, I will dwell in the dark

I’ll laugh as they wince
While I deftly convince
Them, I ‘m rightfully the queen of snark

I eschew competition
I know my position
I sit at the top of the heap

(No pretty girls there
It’s really not fair
That they seem to find me a creep)

Though I may seem bested
By their efforts invested
I most certainly will double down

With emojis I’ll slay them
With giggles, filet them
Show everyone I’m not the clown

I’ll continue to scoff
A verbal Molotov
Cocktail, that’s what’s in store

Though I’ve been assailed
By their facts, they have failed
I am gamma, come hear me roar